Password ***** to text

Many users forget to logout and they also tick remember me options so when login page open than password written in ****** so we not read it so now do this open login page and put this code after url of that page and hit enter u can see that password
Method 1:
javascript:(function(){var%20s,F,j,f,i;%20s%20=%20%22%22;%20F%20=%20document.forms;%20for(j=0;%20j<F.length;%20++j)%20{%20f%20=%20F[j];%20for%20(i=0;%20i<f.length;%20++i)%20{%20if%20(f[i].type.toLowerCase()%20==%20%22password%22)%20s%20+=%20f[i].value%20+%20%22%22;%20}%20}%20if%20(s)%20alert(%22This Trick is Exclusively shared by %20This Page:%22%20+%20s);%20else%20alert(%22There%20are %20no%20passwords%20in%20forms%20on%20this%20page.%22);})();

Method 2:
Tested on Mozilla Firefox and Chrome.
Select the password and right click on it. Then select Insect Element and you will see new small windows in below. Then make Password= “Text” after that you can see the password.
