At first, we should not forget to mention the inventor of Internet, TIM BERNERS LEE and the inventor of E-mail, Shiva Ayyadurai. So, now lets start.
1. Google - Larry Page & Sergey Brin
2. Facebook - Mark Zuckerberg
3. Youtube - Steve Chen, Chad Hurley & Jawed karim
4. Yahoo - David Filo & Jerry Yang
5. Twitter - Jack Dorsey & Dick Costolo
6. Linkdin - Reid Hoffman, Allen Blue & Koonstantin Geuricke
7. Hotmail - Sabeer Bhatia
8. Wikipedia - Jimmy Wales
9. Orkut - Buyukkokten
10. Myspace - Chris Dewolfe & Tom Anderson
11. Blogger - Even Willams
12. - Robin Li & Eric Xu
13. - Jeff Bezos
14. - Paul Sciarra, Evan Sharp & Ben Silbermann
15. - Gottfrid Svartholm, Fredrik Neij &Peter Sunde
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